Hurley Pre-School aims to be environmentally-friendly in several ways.
We re-use paper, cardboard and other cartons and containers during our creative activities.
We are in a recycling of ink cartridges scheme.
We assist the recycling efforts of the local community by recycling their unwanted goods at our sales and jumble sales.
We try to mend our equipment instead of throwing it away, where possible.
We are efficient in our use of energy at Hurley Pre-School by turning off all unused appliances. Instructions that all lights and appliances be turned off each day form part of our closing-up procedure. The majority of staff live locally and walk to work; others use public transport. When the pre-school goes on outings we use public transport or the local community transport scheme. As much as possible, we buy foodstuffs and goods locally, so as not to use more fuel than is necessary. We are careful not to waste water by having small toilet cisterns in the toilets, and are committed to taking action to reduce our impact on the environment even further.
Planned activities include:
To grow our own vegetables for the pre-school.
To use reusable bags for shopping and not carrier bags.
To turn off some radiators in the pre-school, as appropriate, to conserve energy.